Friday, 18 July 2014

Drawing a Disney Character in Adobe Flash Pro

Hi guys, here is an interesting tutorial on drawing a Walt Disney character in Adobe Flash Pro.

At first, you will need a 'handsome' Disney character. Here, I used a dwarf character from the famous Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

You can use it or you can search and find for other from Internet. It will be good if you could get a sketch.

Sketch of Dwarf (A character in the film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Step 1
Open Adobe Flash.

Click on ActionScript 3.0 (Inside the circle)
Step 2
Click on ActionScript 3.0.

You will get a stage window like this...

Stage Window

Step 3
Now, we want to create a new layer. For that, click on Insert → Timeline → Layer.

Creating a New Layer
Step 4
Next, we want to import the sketch/image - that we want to draw - to the stage. Click on File → Import → Import to Stage...

Click on Import to Stage... or press Ctrl + R
Select the file and click Open.

Click on Open
You must notice the width and height of the sketch that you imported.

Check the Position and Size of the image on the properties window
Step 5
Resize the stage according to that.

Resized stage according to image
Step 6
After that, click on Modify → Convert to Symbol... or press F8. This is done for customizing the properties of the sketch.
Modify>Convert to Symbol
Step 7
Give a name if you need and don't forget to select Graphic as Type. Click OK.

Choose Graphic Type
Step 8
Now, we should reduce the opacity of the sketch, since we are drawing over a layer. To do that, choose Alpha as the Style from the properties window on the right side.

Choose Alpha as style
Step 9
Adjusting the Alpha will adjust the opacity of the sketch.

Adjust the Alpha
Set it as per your need.

Opacity reduced
Step 10
Next, we should lock Layer 2. Click on the Lock icon near the Layer 2. This is done for drawing accurately.
Locking the layer
Step 11
Choose the Layer 1.

Choose the Layer 1
Step 12
We are going to begin drawing. There are many drawing tools in the Toolbox such as BrushPencil etc... Here I chose theBrush Tool.

Choose the Brush Tool
 You can adjust the Stroke on the properties window. Then start drawing.

Drawing based on the sketch
For getting correct curves and all, you can use the Selection Tool on the top of the Toolbox. When placing the tool near the drawing, and you'll see a curve on the cursor. You can drag it and adjust the curves.

Selection Tool
 Give suitable colour and make your drawing looks stunning.

Finished Project
Step 13
When you're finished, delete the Layer 2. To save your work as image, click on File → Export → Export Image...

Exporting as Image
 Save your project if you need. That's all! You'll get something like this, when you're finished with your work.

Dwarf drawn using Adobe Flash

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