Friday, 18 July 2014

How to Open SBI Bank Account Online

Now a days, many people are depending on online banking facilities. As it is easy and quick the no. of users are increasing. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to open a Bank Account in State Bank of India via online.
Before reading the steps, I insist you to keep these along with you:
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Voters ID Card
  • Any other documents as address proof
  • Pen and Paper
Don't forget to CHECK ALL DETAILS you've given, before submitting the application. After submitting the application you CAN'Tedit details.

Step 1
At first go to this link. You'll get a window like this.

Step 2
Expand Start Now.

Step 3  
Then click on the first option, ie Fill new Customer Information Form.

Step 4 
Fill up the form and click Proceed after each session. While proceeding you'll get two numbers TCRN and TARN and you should note down these numbers for further use.

Step 5 
When finished filling the details and submitting the application, you've to take a printout of the application. For that expandStart Now again and click on Print Account Opening Form

Step 6 
Enter the code, TARN and Dob and click Proceed. You'll will be prompted to download a PDF file and after that take a printout of it.

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